Trip Details

Cappadocia Balloon Watching Tour

2 Hours


Enrolling in Cappadocia balloon watching tour is a perfect chance for you to enjoy a scene which is ornamented by the colorful balloon all over the horizon while the dawn is breaking.

The flames of the hot air balloons will be the shining stars of the sky to please your eyes and for sure, to sharpen the photography skills of you!

Especially if you are afraid of height and that is why you cannot enjoy Cappadocia hot air ballon flight, you can participate in balloon watching tour, you can sit on the ground and view the artistic landscape:

Even if the scene will not be a bird-eye view type, still, it will deserve being captured.

Thus, be a professional photographer or not, get your camera ready!

Get Prepared for Hot Air Balloon Watching Tour

Before enjoying the breathtaking view, you should remember some things in order to double your pleasure.

Since hot air balloon watching tour takes a place in the first hours of the morning, the weather may be a little bit cold, that is why we recommend you to bring extra clothes with you, or else you may feel cold.

Of course, you should not forget to bring your phone or camera, since the beauty over the valleys and the sky should be immortalized.

During the Watching Tour

From the preparation session to the landing, you will be able to observe every step of Cappadocia balloon flight

At the observation point, you can take photographs as much as possible; yet, we recommend you to save a little bit space in your memory of your phone or camera for the best time; since you will change your position by moving to another place for a wider perspective.

The balloons will take off, their flames will look like shining stars, then, the sun will start showing up.

The lovely tone of the horizon will have a mirror effect on the valley, and the balloons will ornament this painting-like view with their colorful, fat bodies.

When the sky is pinky, reddish or orangish, try to snap the shots with an artistic perspective.

Or, without doing something particularly, you may only send the stress away while enjoying this impressive beauty.

The End

When the balloons land, and the sky turns into a usual blue, it will be the time to go. You will be taken to your hotel by our vehicle, and then, our sunrise hot air balloon watching tour will be over.

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

Cappadocia Balloon Watching Tour
From €15
/ Adult
From €10
/ Child


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